Is Your Bass Boat Actually Covered? Insurance Issues You Need To Know Before Its Too Late!

No one likes talking about insurance but are you sure you're covered during a tournament? Does being on a "pro staff" put your tow vehicle in jeopardy? Is all of your tackle covered if you have a major incident? These don't need to be grey areas, you deserve to know exactly when you are and are not covered. Today we're posing all the tough questions to Ben Green, a marine insurance specialist, so that we can all be more prepared in case we're involved in a crash.

Just a few days after Matt's accident the insurance issues were beginning to unfold and Matt vowed that when it was over he would do a video to help the entire TacticalBassin family better understand potential issues and how to avoid them. He is by no means an insurance expert but he learned some tough lessons and doesn't want you to experience the same. When we found out Ben Green was in town (an actual expert on the subject) for a big tournament on Clearlake, we knew we had to track him down and get real answers to educate the Tactical Family.

Ben was kind enough to take part of his pre-fishing day to answer our questions. This video isn't about getting you a new insurance guy (though we are including Ben’s information here and below because we trust him and appreciate that he took the time to do this for all of us) its about making sure you know the exact questions to ask your insurance agent. Too many anglers have "grey areas" in their policy and that shouldn't be the case. Take the time to watch this video to the end, understand the questions, and get yourself coverage that is going to keep you and your loved ones safe.

Matt thought he had all the coverage he needed, in fact he was confident that he'd "over-insured" himself, but there were still gaps and a lot of issues developed as a result. Don't wait until it happens to you to find out where the gaps might be. Take a few minutes out of your day and ask your agent the right questions. If you're not comfortable with the answers, there are only 3 (to my knowledge) marine specialists in the country. If you'd like to reach out to Ben we're including the link to his website and facebook page below.

Ben Green Insurance Website:

Been Green Insurance Facebook Page:


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