The Trick To Never Burn Out On Fishing

Ever had a friend quit fishing altogether? Ever watching a really good angler just vanish from the tournament scene? It happens every day! Ever wondered why? Maybe its the social media pressure, maybe its rude boaters, maybe its their home life, but more than likely its a combination of all the above. 

If you're passionate about bass fishing and you want it to be a life-long sport there is one key that will keep you coming back from more. At least once a year you need to STOP bass fishing and do something completely different! Let's be real, bass fishing isn't very relaxing. Between the heavy line and the roaring outboards its not nearly as "back to nature" as trout or bluegill fishing. 

Do yourself a favor this year and take a break. If you can find a healthy balance between aggressively pursuing BIG bass and relaxing while fishing for other species, you're going to be a life long angler. 

Here is what Matt was using...

Rod- Megabass Destroyer Spinning Rod:
Reel- Shimano Stradic FK:
Line- Sunline Sniper 4 lb Fluorocarbon:

Budget Setup For This Style Fishing...

Rod- Exage 6'8" Medium Light:
Reel- Nasci 1000 Spinning Reel:
Line- Sunline Sniper 4 lb:


Panther Martin Spinner:
Rooster Tail Spinner:
Mepps Aglia Spinner:

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