Advanced Swimbaits Part 1: Skipping the big baits

Throwing a swimbait is not nearly as difficult as most people make it out to be. Anyone can go to the lake and throw a big bait and have a good shot at catching a big fish. However, if you live in an area where it seems like everyone is already throwing the big baits, it may be time to step your game up even further.
Skipping a swimbait is just one example of something you can do to set yourself apart from the pack. If you’re on a body of water with docks, tullies, overhanging trees, or other forms of dense cover learning to skip the big baits will let you reach fish that no one else is fishing for.

The technique is fairly simple and can be mastered in a few short hours (or less) by a well-rounded angler. By keeping your rod low to the water and slinging the swimbait with more force than is used for a standard cast you can get the bait to skip effortlessly across the surface of the water and back into heavy cover.
Give it a try then come back and share your experiences. I hope this lets you reach fish that you’ve never reached before and maybe, just maybe, catch the fish of a lifetime!